Book LoSco

Hello, I'm Lawrence Scott.


I'm a former West Point Football player and Army Officer. To most people, I had it all figured out.


But when my football days ended, and I had to transition from the Army suddenly, I had to discover the key to the rest of my life:


My Story


I have been surrounded by important people my whole life, but hardly ever felt significant myself.  Whether walking the halls of West Point or serving big names around the country, I learned how truly important purpose is and how few people truly know what theirs is.


So, I decided to do something about it... 

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 The Shift 

For over a decade, I have dedicated my life to learning from and working with the world's best leaders. To date, I have served hundreds of athletes and leaders.


We are on a mission to help you become a purpose driven top-performer.

Let's Connect!